Hello Internet
So It’s time for me to get a blog.
Heads up, I like to explain how I think when I write, so some parts might be a bit drawn out. But hopefully this place might be useful for you as well.
I will mostly use this blog to write about IT but it’s possible I will mention something about running or any of my other interests.
I think all of us have tested some tool that seemed cool and then didn’t start to use it day to day. 6 months later you need it again and you have no idea what you have done and you almost have to start from scratch, hopefully I can remove some of the restart time for both you and me.
What I have done
I started my work at a small IT company in Gothenburg called Zetup now named Nordlo.
After that I joined Ericsson working as a ICT engineer (supporting internal RND and testing).
Until then I worked allot with:
- Linux
- Infrastructure As Code (IAC)
- Monitoring
- Python
But in 2018 i joined Alten and started working more as a devops engineer as a consultant at Ericsson in an RND project called CVC helping out to send data from cars to the cloud.
At the same time I became scrum master, being a scrum master was very interesting and i learned so much but I felt that i want to have more time for technology so i left the project after about 7 months.
From January 2019 I took a role as Technical Specialist at Alten working 50% in house supporting other engineers with day to day tasks, technical pre-sale, technical interviews, etc. The other 50% I worked with Kubernetes at Ericsson developing generic services for 5G as a devops engineer.
What will happen in the future
So now you know the fast version of my professional life.
After the summer of 2019 I’m joining RedHat (IBM depending on who you ask) as a Openshift consultant.
In the future I will most likely focus allot on:
- Kubernetes
- Openshift
- cloud
- IAC (Infrastructure As Code)
- Linux